Composition of the Audit Committee
S. No. Name Designation Position in Committee
1. Mr. Chaitanya Agrawal Whole Time Director Member
2. Mr. Ashwani Kumar Jindal Independent Director Chairman
3. Mrs. Shilpy Chopra Independent Director Member
Composition of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee
S. No. Name Designation Position in Committee
1. Mr. Ashwani Kumar Jindal Independent Director Chairman
2. Mrs. Shilpy Chopra Independent Director Member
3. Ms. Shalini Rahul Independent Director Member
Composition of the Stakeholder relationship Committee
S. No. Name Designation Position in Committee
1. Mr. Chaitanya Agrawal Whole Time Director Chairman
2. Mr. Ashwani Kumar Jindal Independent Director Member
3. Mrs. Shilpy Chopra Independent Director Member